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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Tator Tot Casserole

This is one of those recipes that you just know you are going to love!
Its filling and Oh so Good! 
Its a cheesy-potato comfort food and easy to make, and we all like easy!!
ll -in-one meals are so nice.
Its a keeper!

**Updated on 3-5-12 
This dish fed 2 of us for 3 nights!! Pretty good deal, if I say so myself! :D

Here is what you need:

* 1 1/2 lbs. of Ground Beef (not pictured because I already cooked it, opps)
* Onion powder to taste (you can use real Onion, but I don't because my husband doesn't like them..its a texture thing. If you use real Onion you would want 1 small Onion chopped small.
* 1 tablespoon of Minced Garlic, or equivalent in fresh. 
* 1 1/2 Cups of frozen Corn, or 1 can of Corn (we like frozen)
* 1 can of  Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup.
* 2 Cups of Cheddar Cheese
* 1/2 Cup of Milk
* 4 tablespoons of Sour Cream
* 1 bag of Ore-Ida Crispy Crowns  Tator Tots (they are the flat-ish ones.)

Set the Ore-Ida Crowns out on the counter to thaw a bit (I put mine on a paper towel)

In skillet, cook Ground Beef, Onion powder (or Onion) and Minced Garlic. When finished cooking, drain and set aside.

In a bowl combine Mushroom soup, Sour Cream, and Milk, stir until well blended...add the Hamburger Mix, 1 Cup of Cheese and the Corn, and gently mix till blended.

Grease a 13x9  Baking Dish  and put a layer of Tater Tots on the bottom, scoop  the meat mixer on top of Tater Tots and smooth it out. Add another layer of Tater Tots, then sprinkle remaining cheese.

Bake at 350 for 35-40 minutes (I like my tater tots crispy,this dish will be done at 25-30 minutes if you don't like yours as crispy) Make sure they are golden brown though :)


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  1. I just told my wife Rose to cook this ASAP! Thanks for sharing ;)

    1. I bet you won't get to enjoy leftovers, because it will be gone!

    2. I use cream of potato soup and fritos cheese sauce its sooo good

    3. That sounds really good Colleen, I'll have to try it!

  2. Carol- I LOVE the blog button, good job! Ill be following along...and making this tater tot delight tonight for dinner!

    1. Thanks Bethany! It took me a minute, but I finally figured it out with the help of your tutorial :) The Tater Tot recipe is really good!

  3. Ohhhh this looks so yummy! Will keep this in mind when we have lots of company!

    1. Its Very Yum! :)
      You could always cut the recipe in half and Not wait for company lol

  4. This is a great recipe. We ate it @ the Whitfields home this past week. yummy & easy.

    Aimee Bullock

    1. Aimee you are so funny :DD It was yummy,right along with that yummy Bundt cake you brought!


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