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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Homemade Air Freshener

 I love candles and anything that smells good, so I wanted to try these. They are easy and quick to make and smell wonderful! I want to get different essential oils to try some other scents in the future. :) 
These air fresheners last about a month, before they start losing the smell. And they do tend to mold, unless you use the salt or vodka to inhibit the process.

*Update 3-11-12
I used the vodka to preserve this, either I didn't used enough of a "splash" or the vodka doesn't work,because mine got moldy! Next time I will try the salt, and will update again on the verdict...


Here is what you need :
1 Box of Knox Gelatin (4 envelopes- unflavored)
2 Cups Water
Food Coloring (I used neon colors)
20 -30 drops of Essential Oil ( of your choice)
1 Tablespoon Salt (or Vodka)
3-4 (depending on size) heat resistant jars

The first step is put you food coloring and essential oil in the jars, if you use the liquid food coloring you will just need 2-3 drops (I used the gel food coloring, because that is all they had at the store, and it made it a little more difficult but it turned out in the end) I used about 2-3 squirts, you can always add a little more, for a  more intense color. 

In a pan boil 1 cup of water, add the 4 packs of gelatin and stir till dissolved, once dissolved, add the second cup of  cold water and stir well...
Carefully pour the gelatin water into the jars, being careful not to spill because it is still hot!  Fill the jars close to the top. And gently stir.
That's it!   Your done  Ta-Da

I liked how the neon colors turned out, not your normal food coloring colors, I like to be different,and I really wanted this purple air freshener (just in-case you didn't notice purple is my favorite color! :)

Comments, Suggestions Welcome Pin It


  1. Love the blog! Love the name of the blog! Love the content!

    1. Thanks Joe, took me awhile to pick the name lol
      yes,and this page ranked high on the stats

  2. would u need to put it in the refridgerater? when u r done????

    1. No it firms up on its own. If it were edible,then yes I would put it in the fridge.


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