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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Crock Pot Chicken and Dumplings

So I tried a new recipe last night, it turned out pretty good if I do say so myself :)
My husband liked it, and he is super pick about food! But I'm getting him to try, and like more and more things. I had to omit a few things from the original recipe to adapt to his dislikes....
You can double/triple this, as this recipe is good for 2-3 people.

You will need the following ingredients:

* 2 Large Chicken Breasts (or you can substitute with your choice of chicken) ( thighs, legs breasts,or a combo of these) ..personally I like the bone-in chicken because I feel it gives it more flavor cooking with the bone)
* 2 tablespoons Butter
* 2 cans Cream of Chicken Soup
* 1 can Chicken Broth
* 1 Onion diced (I omitted this,and used Onion Powder)
* 1 tablespoon dried Parsley
* 4 Grands Flaky Refrigerator Biscuits ( I used 6 biscuits instead )
* You may also add any veggies that you like 
* I also added some Garlic Salt, Salt and Pepper (optional)

1. Place Chicken in crock pot, add the Butter, Cream of Chicken Soup, Chicken Broth, Onions, Parsley. Cook this on high for 4 -6 hours
2. After cooking time has elapsed,break up chicken parts (if its bone-in,its easier to take the chicken out and break it up on a plate) Once that is done,
3. Cut up the biscuits into bite size pieces (they will expand!) I cut mine up into 9 pieces, add biscuits to crock pot...continue to cook for 30 minutes or until dough is cooked through.(you might have to test one!)
Also you may have to add some more Chicken Broth, so its good to have a extra can or two on hand.
Serve hot! and enjoy!
Served with you favorite veggie

Comments and Suggestions welcome!!  ;)

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  1. I am going to have to try this! This looks easy.


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