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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Burt's Bees Product Review

I have naturally wavy, coarse hair, that gets incredibly frizzy in the humid south, whether its from rain or just the hot humid days of summer, I hated it! I always had to use some sort of gel, just to keep the frizzy's away. As long as I can remember, I have never felt my hair as being soft  but lately for the last several months ( late last summer to be exact,when my daughter straightened my hair with her flat iron, and I liked it! ) I had straight Hair!!  I wanted to find something to protect my hair from the damaging heat of the flat iron... I was browsing the internet and saw a article on curly hair and how Bert's Bees Super Shiny Grapefruit & Sugar Beet Shampoo and Condition was so good for curly hair (probably straight hair also) It got rave reviews. I read that because they use natural ingredients, it wouldn't get sudsy (I didn't think I'd like that part of it, I like lather, makes me feel like its getting clean.)  So I went out and bought some, and  I LOVE IT!! ♥ Smells great! My hair is actually soft! The grapefruit oil in it has oil dissolving property's that makes it perfect for cleansing your hair, not only that but it is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate Free (look on your shampoo label to see if that is a ingredient) that is what is used to produce the lather...guess what, its also found in Dish Detergent and get this tooth paste! (just a side note, if you tend to get canker sores in your mouth,you might try a tooth paste without SLS, because it can cause you to get them more often) SLS  also dry's your hair out, so you might as well just wash your hair with dish detergent
I took care of my problem with the lather, I just wash twice. :)  This is a product you will have to get used to, as far as the lather and such, but I'm pretty sure you will love it. My husband can't keep his hands out of my hair, heck I can't keep my hands out of it, I love running my fingers through it, no tangles and Sooo soft!!

I've also been using One 'n Only Argan Oil that I love, but that is a whole other review in itself !

I'm going to try  the Color Keeper Green Tea & Fennel Seed Shampoo and Conditioner next time, to see how that works.

12-27-12 So sad they don't make this Super Shiny Grapefruit & Sugar Beet Shampoo & Conditioner  any longer :(( It was my favorite Shampoo & Conditioner. Why,why why?? do companies always do that??  


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