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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Homemade Outdoor Window Cleaner

Shiny Windows! Air Dried without Streaks or Spots!
Its getting to be that time again...Spring Cleaning...I know you are so excited  
I have been waiting since Fall to write this post, it was kind of pointless. Most people clean their windows outside in the spring or summer. We did ours in the Fall. I was so excited to see how shiny and streak free they were when they finally dried. I only took one or two pictures but I know we will be doing our windows again soon as we never got around to putting the Rain-X (Original )  on them, as it got cold outside, and they are dirty again on the west side since that is the side that gets splattered if it rains hard and the wind is blowing. Not only that, but we have to do the insides too! I have another recipe for the inside for a (near) future post.
We have constant nose art on a few of our windows from our two, 4 legged artists. They love watching over their domain out the windows

Charlie peeking out the door♥
♥Ozzy looking out the front

Needless to say I was very impressed with this homemade window cleaner, I will definitely be using it again this Spring!!! I adapted my recipe from this one.  Once we wash them again, I will post more pictures. But for now....

What You Need:

5 gallon Bucket or a large bucket
4 oz. of Vinegar
4 Tablespoons of Alcohol
1/4 Cup of Ammonia
1/3 Cup of my Homemade Dishwasher Detergent (I don't add the dawn in this recipe)(you can use any dishwasher detergent)
2 Gallons of Hot Water
Car Wash Brush or long handled brush (we used the car wash brush, it worked really well!!)

Using a Spray Nozzle on your hose, spray window down with water.
Dip your brush in homemade window solution, scrub window, including the frame.
Rinse with the hose and let air dry.
If that isn't easy I don't know what is!

We are going to come back after they are dry and go over them with Rain - X Original. I don't know if your familiar but this stuff works great for your car windows/mirrors, so why not use it on the  house widows to?!! It will make it even easier to clean them the next time around!
I have also heard of people using it on their shower doors, after they have been cleaned.

Look at that reflection! Its almost like your inside, looking out. 

At least one spring cleaning job will be easy.
Spring clean up of three acres is going to be a little harder...

Ps. If you try this, come back and leave a comment how it worked for you.. I love feedback!


  1. Your cleaning tips are very informative but regular cleaning is best way to keep windows neat and clean so , I think clean all home windows daily with good quality cleaning products. Newspaper is also a good source for window cleaning process.

    1. Hi Sydney,
      Thanks for reading my post and for your comment. I do know about the newspaper trick, I use it when I have newspaper :)
      Unfortunately I have wayyy too many windows in my house to do them everyday, especially outdoors! I could do the inside windows that get the nose prints from my dogs, every day, heck I could do those probably 5 times a day lol but that is only 1 window and a french door.

  2. I really appreciate this post. I have been looking all over for this! Thank goodness I found it on Google. You have made my day! Thanks again.

    1. Hi San Antonio,

      I'm glad I could be of help :) Hope its what you were looking for! I love it. Makes doing windows "go" a little faster.
      Let me know how it worked for you.

  3. Really nice post. and thanks for sharing this useful tips with us.

    reach and wash | blind cleaning london |

  4. Windows plays a very important role when talking about cleaning. Why not contact the experts if you want your windows sparkling in no time!

    Window Cleaning Perth

    1. Hi Matt!

      Having your windows "done" is a luxury I can't afford, its cheaper to do it yourself...

  5. I can see from the picture that your cleaning solution really works and I will certainly try it on the weekend as our windows to the back of the house need cleaning. I very much enjoyed visiting your blog too.

  6. I love seeing websites that understand the value of providing a quality resource for free. Window Cleaning Louisville KY

  7. Worked like a charm! Fantastic solution. I also added some Rain-x and didn't even need to spray with the hose first just dipped in the brush scrubbed to window and rinsed with the hose. Brilliant!

    1. Good to know!! My husband could be a spokesperson for Rain-X lol, he swears by it! Thanks!

  8. Thanks for sharing the Window Cleaning Services . it is really very useful service.


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