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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Garden Totem

I know its late in the season for this post, but I never made the time had the time to go thrift shopping or the money when I had the time  ツ I have wanted to make one ever since I saw the different ones posted on Pinterest from different websites. And I LOVE Cobalt Blue anything. I also want to make a garden totem that looks like a mushroom.
Garden Totems have an easy shopping list, maybe you have some pieces that you can use in your own cupboard? Or  maybe you purchased some glassware at a garage sale that you don't really know what to do with but you couldn't be without! OR You can buy the glassware this winter and in would be a work in progress project! ;)

My husband "glue" these together for me, you see I am short, and we put them together on the dining room table, so the first 3 pieces were already taller than me lol. Besides that he's way better at getting a smooth caulk bead. I wanted to make sure its good and sealed! I did however tell him how I wanted them put together, there are quite a few ways we could have put these together! He added his own touch to it by adding a piece of black granite tile (thank you Miss Pat) to the bottom to make it nice a sturdy. I don't want it to tip over and break!

Here is what you need:

Miscellaneous Glassware of your choice
GE Silicone II (make sure its silicone II because its heat and freeze proof and its also waterproof.Its flexible too!) I got mine at Lowe's, but just about any hardware store should carry it.

I made one of my Paper Peony's to put inside the crackled globe bowl (above)
I wanted to find a hummingbird or something cute like that, but couldn't find what I time maybe..

Cobalt Tea-lite holder on a candle stick holder 

We "glued" (silicone) two pieces together at a time. Then once those were dry (we waited about a day in between) we "glued" those two to two other pieces and so on and so forth till they were all glued together. I didn't want any pieces sliding!

Finished Totem

I see more of these in my future!!  ツ 

Be creative see what you come up with ....

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