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Friday, July 5, 2013

Painting Rocks

Sorry its been awhile since I've done a new post, I've been busy in the yard and garden this spring & summer, I still am, but have been wanting to do a few crafty things too :)

I wanted some bright spots in my flowerbeds, besides the plants and flowers. So I have been painting rocks lately... I think they are cute and they don't take long to paint at all. Besides that, we have a ton! of rocks in our yard, so it was easy to find them all. I had little pile(s) stacked up from working the soil in the garden and also in my flowerbeds. Lots of different sizes and shapes so I collected a bunch so I could pick and choose.

What you need:

Rocks - various shapes 
Primer Paint
Craft Paint
Paint Brush (or three)

Find a few rocks in different shapes that you think would like to paint on...

The first step is probably the most important step, cleaning your rocks...make sure you remove all the dirt. I used  "Awesome" that we purchase at Dollar General... for real, the stuff is awesome! Use it full strength, or diluted, all for $3.00! Good Stuff! we use it on all sorts of stuff.
Anyways clean your rocks and let them dry totally. Mine seemed very porous, so I let them dry in the sun for a day, brought them inside at night and painted them the next day.

Next you'll want to prime them if you are painting on the whole rock, if not you can skip that step. I primed mine.

Primed rocks

After the primer is dry, paint whatever your heart desires :) bugs, frogs,turtles, dogs cats, or ones with just designs.

Beginning of a Lady Bug

Oops! too pink, had to tone it down a lil, I decided on  flesh color instead.

After painting, I let mine dry for a day before I sprayed them with clear coat. Then I let them cure for about a week, inside before putting them outside.
Thats it, easy peasy. Cute little rocks....

I'm still going to paint a few more since they are pretty quick. I washed a lot of rocks so I'd have a choice of shapes. I'm looking for one that has the perfect shape for a frog, and I want to do a turtle too. I'll also do a few with just some designs on them, maybe I'll put those, along with the mushroom rock in my gnome village when we do it...

I'll add some more pictures after I get a few more painted...

Added 8-22-13

M&M rock

M&M Rock and M&M's :)
Still looking for more flat-ish, round-ish "M&M" rocks to paint...

I'm also working on a few projects for future posts ;)

Until then, Happy painting!!

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